Applications for the Sibillini Europa Summer School 2024 are CLOSED#SESS24
Read the information below for curiosities about the Summer School!

Call for applications
The second edition of Sibillini Europa Summer School (#SESS24) will take place in Amandola (FM) – Italy, from 28 August to 1 September 2024. The school is organised by the Sibillini Europa Association, in collaboration with institutional and academic partners, under the patronage of the European Parliament, of the European Commission’s representation in Italy, and of the Municipality of Amandola. The initiative will consist of a long weekend of education aimed at approximately 40 students from Italy and Europe, to deepen their understanding of the functioning and policies of the European union, through a set of lectures, public debates and exchanges with professionals.
Academic partners
The 2024 edition is organised in partnership and under the academic patronage of the Law Department and the Center for European Documentation of Macerata University; of the centers LDIS – Law Digital Innovation and Sustainability, and LabGov – Laboratory for the Governance of the City as a Commons of LUISS University; of the ITS foundation of Fermo; of UNIVPM – Marche Polytechnic University; in partnership and cooperation with the School for Superior Studies ‘Giacomo Leopardi’ of Macerata University, and with the participation of the Political Science department of University of Teramo.
The present Summer School is included in the project ‘Innovation and Vulnerability. Legal issues and remedies’ of the Department of Law, University of Macerata (funded by the Ministry of University and Research, programme Departments of Excellence 2023 – 2027) – Stream AVAS – Vulnerable Environment and State Aids.
Objectives and modules
The initiative pursues three main objectives:
– Deepening the students’ understanding of the EU integration process, through high education offered by academics and experts, as well as events to foster a debate among experts, young students, and the local population on the central themes of the Union as a common political space;
– Providing academic and professional orientation in a critical stage of the students’ life, facilitating contacts to target specific professional opportunities, through mentoring and coaching;
– Promoting the territory of the Monti Sibillini National Park, and contributing to the economic and social growth of villages which were hit by the 2016 / 2017 earthquakes.
For the 2024 edition, the key topics will be Sustainability, European democracy, the geopolitical situation, global competitiveness and digitisation. The topics will be address in a set of lessons, networking dinners, recreational activities, open debates and public events. The school will enable students to be side by side with academics and professionals, in a constant dialogue which will also be a source of information and advice for further academic specialisation or professional orientation. There will also be an initiative targeting the design, preparation and submission of EU projects.
How to apply
Applications are open until 12 July 2024 through the dedicated application FORM
Successful applicants will be informed by 19 July 2024.
The Summer School is open to bachelor students in social sciences (such as Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics) or other bachelor degrees with an interest in European integration and careers in Europe. Applications can also be introduced by students who will be completing their final year in high school in 2024 and will be at least 18 years old at the time of admission. Students enrolled in an educational programme of ITS (Istituti Tecnici Superiori) in the Marche Region can also apply.
The school will mainly be held in English, which will be a required language (minimum level B2), with few activities open to the public in Italian. For international students applying, the ability to understand Italian will thus be an asset.
The school is open to Italian and International students.
The selection will be carried out by the Board of the Sibillini Europa Association, or in cooperation with partner academic institutions, based on a comparative evaluation of merit, of the motivational justification submitted by candidates, and taking account of gender parity and territorial diversification. Where necessary, candidates may be invited for an on-line interview.
Activities and certification
The academic programme is mandatory for all participants. Participants are also expected to participate to complementary events, which will include networking events, orientation sessions, debates, and socialisation activities.
Most activities will be held in English, with public events in Italian
Students will receive a certification of attendance, which may be recognised for formative credits when this is allowed under the terms of the cycle of studies to which students are enrolled in their home academic institution. The Sibillini Europa Association does not grant credits, but will only certify the hours of participation and the main activities.
Fees and expenses
The organiser, Associazione Sibillini Europa, with the support of the initiative’s sponsors and partners, will cover tuition fees and the costs for all activities of the participants within the Summer School, including lunches and dinners.
When applying, students can request free accommodation in common rooms in Amandola, in the immediate vicinity of the main square and the location of the School’s activities. The services activities and materials offered to students for free have an approximate value of 800 euros per head.
Students will only have to cover their travel expenses to reach Amandola, which will not be reimbursed. A transfer from the closest railway station will be arranged on the first and last day for a fee of 5 euros per journey if enough students request it in their application.
In order to ensure the actual participation, and to cover potential damage, when confirming enrolement sudents will have to pay a deposit of eur 100, which will be refunded at the end of the initiative.
More Information
For more information please consult our social media (Instagram @sibillinieuropa) and our page with FAQ – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
if you have more question, contact the association at: